Supporting the creative industries to tell stories safely.


IPC’s landmark report reveals the high prevalence and impact of injury in film, TV and theatrical production.

Read the report to learn more about how this issue impacts our industry and what we can do about it.

Planning your next production?

The IPC Best Practice Guidelines are a foundational tool designed to support producers seeking to establish safer working practices and embed care into their creative process. 

These guidelines continue to gain growing support from leading industry bodies as a mark of advocacy for best practice in film, TV and theatrical production.

Industry Support

We welcome support for our guidelines from industry bodies advocating for best practice in production.

News & views

  • “CIISA and IPC have a shared vision of supporting better professional environments for our colleagues working within the creative industries. We will work together closely in our respective areas to achieve consistently safer workplaces”

    Jen Smith, CEO, Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority (CIISA)