Injury Prevention Consultancy Ltd Privacy Notice

The policy: This privacy policy notice is served by INJURY PREVENTION CONSULTANCY LTD , Lower Ground Floor, 111 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6AW under the website; The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we control, process, handle and protect your personal information through INJURY PREVENTION CONSULTANCY LTD and while you browse or use this website. If you do not agree to the following policy you may wish to cease viewing / using this website, and or refrain from submitting your personal data to us.


“I”, “our”, “us”, or “we” refer to INJURY PREVENTION CONSULTANCY LTD , Lower Ground Floor, 111 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6AW

“you”, “the user” refer to the person(s) using this website.

GDPR means General Data Protection Act.

PECR means Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulation.

ICO means Information Commissioner’s Office.

Cookies mean small files stored on a users computer or device.

Key principles of GDPR

Our privacy policy embodies the following key principles; (a) Lawfulness, fairness and transparency, (b) Purpose limitation, (c) Data minimisation, (d) Accuracy, (e) Storage limitation, (f) Integrity and confidence, (g) Accountability.

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we control and / or process any personal information about you electronically using the following lawful bases.

We are registered with the ICO under the Data Protection Register, our registration numbers are:

Information you give us

You may give us information about you by submitting an online enquiry, or filling in forms on our site (Our Site) or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you participate in social media functions on Our Site or other content that is Our Company’s intellectual property and when you report a problem with Our Site. The information you give us may include your name, address, email address and phone number.

Where you have given your consent for us to market to you, or we are otherwise entitled to send you communications, we shall use information about you to send email communications only. These emails will include offers about INJURY PREVENTION CONSULTANCY LTD or related products and services sent from INJURY PREVENTION CONSULTANCY LTD only. Our email will always give you the option to unsubscribe by using a hyperlink to register your request.

What we may collect

To the extent we collect personal information from website visitors, this is for our legitimate business purposes.

In addition to the information you provide to us, we may collect and process the following data about you:

– information you submit to us on our Site at any time

– a record of any correspondence between us

– details of your visits to our Site and the resources you use

– information about your computer (e.g. browser, operating system etc) for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers

If, as determined by us, the lawful basis upon which we process your personal information changes, we will notify you about the change and any new lawful basis to be used if required. We shall stop processing your personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.

Data Retention

We will only retain your personal data to the extent we need to retain it or otherwise for as long as required under other legal and regulatory obligations to which we are subject. Different retention periods apply for different types of data, however the longest we will normally hold your data is 6 years after the end of our relationship.

Your individual rights

Under the GDPR your rights are as follows. You can read more about your rights in detail here;

– the right to be informed;

– the right of access;

– the right to rectification;

– the right to erasure;

– the right to restrict processing;

– the right to data portability;

– the right to object; and

– the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling.

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please send an email to

We want to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. If any of the information that you have provided to us changes, for example, if you change your email address or name, please let us know the correct details by sending an email to

You also have the right to complain to the ICO [] if you feel there is a problem with the way we are handling your data.

We handle subject access requests in accordance with the GDPR.

Internet cookies

This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, you may visit

Data security and protection

We ensure the security of any personal information we hold by using secure data storage technologies and precise procedures in how we store, access and manage that information. Our methods meet the GDPR compliance requirement.